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ScaleVP backs Marketing Attribution Company – Bizible


    Enter Bizible. Today, ScaleVP is announcing our latest digital marketing investment in Bizible. Bizible provides CMOs with performance management software to answer the question of where to direct their marketing budgets. ScaleVP has a long history of investing in successful digital marketing companies. Namely, we’ve funded HubSpot, Datasift, Sailthru, and Demandbase. And our exited investments include such names as Omniture, ExactTarget, and Vitrue. We are thrilled to announce Bizible as our most recent investment.

    Why Bizible?

    Earlier this year, we announced that former ExactTarget CMO, Tim Kopp, was joining ScaleVP as an Executive-in-Residence. In that same blog post, we highlighted the key marketing pain points that CMOs, such as Tim, consistently share with us. Arguably, chief among these pain points is the ability to quantify the impact of marketing spend. Specifically, CMOs struggle to tie this spend – and the discrete programs it supports – to net new prospects and customers. They know that their marketing programs are driving results, but without the performance data, they’re unable to discern which programs deserve the credit. Bizible solves this problem.

    Founded by Microsoft/Bing advertising veterans, Bizible sheds light on which online marketing programs are delivering the highest ROI.

    How does it work?

    Bizible connects all of a company’s digital marketing programs to their CRM system, enabling CMOs and demand generation teams to attribute revenue to paid search, social, email, display, and campaigns.

    Bizible surfaces this data through an elegant and easy-to-use interface that intuitively shows where marketing programs are working and where they’re not.  In fact, today the company announced a new product offering targeted to business-to-business CMOs that allows them to quickly:

    • Keep the entire marketing team accountable for driving revenue
    • Ensure alignment between marketing and sales
    • Shift budget to high performing channels based on downstream metrics

    In short, Bizible clarifies what’s working and what’s not. Companies that implement Bizible can identify the source of their leads and demonstrate the value that marketing delivers. Most importantly, there’s no more “wasted” advertising.

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