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We’re pleased to share Scale’s sixth annual report on enterprise cybersecurity. This year we surveyed 300 security executives in the U.S. who are responsible for buying decisions, the success of security deployments, or the overall security of the company. Covering an extraordinary year for business, the report shows how CISOs responded to the pandemic, SolarWinds, and the many other forces shaping cybersecurity strategy and response. The latest survey includes new data on job satisfaction, org structure, automation, and how companies are managing so-called “tool sprawl”.

Click here to access the full report.

Highlights include:

  • The security impact of remote work
  • How SolarWinds changed security operations
  • The importance of having a “seat at the table”
  • Automation and managing tool sprawl
  • Continuing investment in data privacy

Scale’s cybersecurity research efforts date back to 2014, with the Cybersecurity Perspectives series produced annually since 2017. We’ve archived past reports on the blog: 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017.

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