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Marketing has experienced tremendous technology expansion to provide better insight into the customer, target the right message and drive demand. This trend is now extending to the sales function.  Sales forecasting has long been a manual process involving tons of guesswork. Sales leaders rely as much on intuition as they do on a complex sales roll-up of Excel documents. Not unexpectedly, these same sales leaders typically don’t have an accurate view into where the quarter is headed and whether their teams will miss or meet revenue goals.

Like it did for marketing, predictive analytics is leveraging machine learning and big data to transform sales forecasting.  We like to call this Automation by Algorithm.  And this is why I m excited to announce our latest investment in Aviso, which optimizes sales performance through real-time insights delivered by predictive analytics.

Aviso pulls in CRM data and calculates their own proprietary forecast based on historical deal data. Sales leaders can drill into this forecast in real time to see the underlying data behind the prediction and to know where they need to take action. Aviso gives sales leaders an objective informed view into their sales forecast.

Co-founded by former Zuora founder, K.V. Rao, and data scientist, Andrew Abrahams, Aviso was born out of a shared realization that people make better decisions armed with tools that can properly account for risk.

Aviso is transforming the sales landscape, as seen by early adoption from some notable public companies, and promises further transformation as it enters its next phase of growth.

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